Y12 lockdown – How to survive and thrive
CV19 brings extra uncertainty and stress to Y12. When preparing to leave school and make a success of what comes next, additional unknowns don’t help. In these online sessions, participants will learn ways to deal with these special circumstances, reflect on their responses, and work out practical next steps.
Session 1: Dealing with uncertainty
Y12 is a time for decision making, navigating known unknowns and preparing for life’s biggest transition: from school and home to whatever comes next. CV19 brings additional uncertainties from all directions, disrupting plans for work experience and UCAS applications.
It is possible to navigate these weeks and months with calm and logic. This session will help you:
- (Re)discover your focus and direction
- Find your energy and motivation
- Make important decisions based on incomplete information
- Decide what practical steps to take next
Session 2: Dealing with anxiety
Stress and anxiety undermine everyone’s ability to respond well to tricky circumstances. As CV19 continues, you might be finding it seriously difficult to think about your future.
Being knocked sideways by this situation is normal and understandable. It is possible to stop stress taking over in this important year. In this session you will:
- Understand how stress and anxiety undermine your focus and clarity
- Learn to keep your bearings and find peace of mind
- See things from a new perspective
- Figure out what to do next
Session 3: Creating opportunities amid CV19
If you had well crafted plans for the next 18 months, CV19 may be hugely disruptive. Enrichment classes and work experience may have been cancelled. And the UCAS process might have significantly changed for you.
Despite all this disruption, there will be unexpected new opportunities waiting for you. You suddenly have more time, which you can use to get ahead. In this session you will explore:
- How sudden change brings unexpected freedom
- How lockdown can improve creativity and opportunity
- How to benefit from your new circumstances right now
The course will be delivered as 3 online group sessions.
Who’s running the course?
Melissa Mehta has spent the last decade supporting young people as they prepare to leave school, and move on to whatever comes next. She specialises in helping people perform well under pressure, and think creatively about how best to use their talents.
Melissa read Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, before working as a journalist for 8 years. While building a team of writers, she became fascinated in how best to support their development in a high pressure remote-working environment. Melissa retrained as a coach, and loves helping people understand themselves better, which allows them to do whatever they want to do with less stress and more ease.
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